February 21, 2012

Contest delay...... again....

I'm so sorry I haven't posted the contest...... I REALLY hope to  post it soon!!! I hven't been on blogger much... but I promise I'm not quitting completly!!!!!!!

Just a quick little thanks to my followers!
<3 u guys!

~ Callie

P.S I'm going to check my blog email now..... Sorry if I hven't replied to your email!!! I'll do it right now...

February 9, 2012

Contest Details

Okay, so If you haven't seen my earlier post click here to see it. There is a new prize though. Emma suggested that I send the winners a poster through email. I'm considering this, because it would be an actual prize and not just something little. I will keep you updated. 

~ Callie

P.S The contest might be next week? Idk yet.

February 4, 2012

Time for the contest!!

Woah! I actually have 10 followers! I don't have time for the contest now but I will try to do it this week. Also, I'm trying to think of a better prize


P.S I'm sorry I havent been blogging lately, But hopefully I'll do more today because I'm sick.

February 3, 2012

ONE follower to go!

I looked today and I have 9 followers!!!

Thank you so much AMERICANGIRL#1!!!!

Remember, spread the word!!

The contest is so close!!!

P.S Sorry I haven't been posting lately. After the contest i might take a break because I'm just so busy!